LiteScout is an innovative product to support the stimulation and the early intervention of blind, partially sighted and multiple handicaped people. Using new materials, a sturdy and portable product was created and further more it strikes new paths in form and function.
The format of the LiteScout-Pro’s light area is compatible to the conventional lightbox, so that already existing learning games (e.g.Level I-III) can easily be used with LiteScout-Pro.The LiteScout-Basic version also offers a smaller light area in DIN-A4-format. With its height of only 8 mm and a weight of only 2 kg the LiteScout-Pro offers various advantages in handling.
In order to implement the full range of possibilities that LiteScout offers, learning materials were developed in cooperation with the VzFB. Building upon the standard materials currently in use, we aim to develop our products in a completely new direction.
For example, we will have “logical blocks” made out of light-conducting, fluorescent acryl as well as magnetic films and a variety of magnetic tokens. In addition, we will offer accessories such as colored plastic films, magnets, a stylish carrying bag made out of black, heavy-duty nylon, and much more.
In addition to its optical characteristics and infinitely adjustable levels of brightness, LiteScout offers magnetic attributes. By using magnetic learning aids attention spans and learning success will be profoundly raised. Research has shown that children spend much more time playing with magnetic items than with non-magnetic ones.
LiteScout radiates a homogenous, non-dazzling and flickerfree cold light with intense color rendering, strong contrasts and sharp contours, so the training-sessions can last much longer in comparison to the conventional lightbox.
... Feel free to contact us! We're pleased to give you further informations.
LiteScout is in use in more than 30 countries worldwide. We have scientific cooperations with Institutes and Universities in Germany and Finland.