VBS-Early-Stimulus-Days, Kerkrade (NL), 17.05.2004

At the Early-Stimulus-Days in the Abbey Rodluch, Kerkrade, the presentation of the new learning-games of the LiteScout-Programm took place.

Many of the experts were impressed by the new possibilities the LiteScout offers. Especially the various fluorescent and magnetic Learning-Games found an increasing interest.

Some impressions of the event are given here:

Bild: Abtei Rodluch
A beautiful atmosphere in the Abbey of Kerkrade, Netherlands

Bild: Abtei Rodluch
At least the Abbey would have been a journey worth.

The exhibition-area was quite small but the more competent the experts were.


Bild: Bei sommerlichem Wetter wurden die Vortragspausen zum regen Gedankenaustausch genutzt.
Nice discussions during the pauses in the garden

Bild: Detailaufnahme der Abtei.