
Only few of the partially sighted and blind children and grown-ups, who are educated in schools and homes, are not able to see any light. Most of the pupils are able to distinguish between bright and dark, they can perceive shapes, or they are able to make themselves by small extracts a fuzzy impression on their nearby environment. Therefore every pupils should be able to learn how to use the rest of his visibility, even if it is very marginal, to be able to achieve an optimum of his capabilities.

In the everyday life at school this means, that first of all the best possible conditions for learning and working have to be available for the visually impaired pupils. In addition to the general stimulation some pupils will need a specific stimulation-program. This is an integral part of the individual support plan. A main focus are made on visual exercises on special "light boxes". At this an essential focus is made on pictures of people or objects with strong contrasts, sharp contours and precise structures (compare: "Unterrichtsprinzip Seherziehung"; Broschüre der Blindeninstitutsstiftung, Munich).

The Solution
The LiteScout – Innovation the early intervention and support for blind, visdually impairedand multiply disabled people

A: LiteScout - The light-up magnetic board
B: Learning Games
C: Accessories